Anytime you can chat with fellow beer writers and recruit new members into the project you should feel good about yourself. However; when you get local beer writing legend Fred Eckhart involved it makes you feel good about the porland beer project you are creating. This was the case tonight. Tonight I showed the local beer writing legend about the project that I created a few months ago. He really liked the concept and wanted to help out. Fred suggested involving Vancouver WA as well to the list since it is kind of a suburb to Portland. He said some of the European countries include breweries within 25+ kilometers of their town as a brewery in their town. With Portland having so much around it within 25 kilometers from Portland to Vancouver suburbs the amount of brewpubs we have really adds up.
I believe we should promote the Vancouver WA businesses like Salmon Creek and By the Bottle to the overall list, but I am not 100% sure if we should add them to the Portland list, since they are typically not in Portland and are in Washington. Not a bad problem to have.....to live in a town where there are so many brewpubs that you really do not need to count the surrounding areas as parts since there is already so many in town.
Our next meeting is next Sunday at 11am at Hopworks, RSVP on Upcomings.
We plan on making this a working social hour. Get involved today by adding content or hanging out at your next event.